Pak-Afghan MPs to meet tomorrow in Islamabad

Dunya News

Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Pakistan will begin a two-day dialogue in Islamabad.

Parliamentarians from Afghanistan and Pakistan will begin a two-day dialogue on December 20-21, 2011 here in Islamabad on issues of mutual interest and concern that impact the relationship between the two neighbouring countries.A delegation of 24 Afghan MPs, belonging to Meshrano Jirga (Senate of Afghanistan) and Wolesi Jirga (National Assembly of Afghanistan), will arrive in Islamabad today and will engage in a Dialogue with their Pakistani counterparts on issues of mutual interest and concern that impact the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan.Senator Besmellah Afghanmal, Member of the Meshrano Jirga and Abdul Latif Pedram, Member of Afghan Wolesi Jirga, will be leading the Afghan delegation while Faisal Karim Kundi, MNA, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan and Senator Salim Saifullah Khan, Chairman Senate StandingCommittee on Foreign Affairs, Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, will officiate the dialogue from Pakistan side includingother Pakistani Parliamentarians from different political parties.Some of the proposed items of the agenda include progress on recommendations of previous two Pak-Afghan dialogues, Afghan Transit Trade, trade & travel between both countries, investment opportunities by investors of both countries, current peace situation in Afghanistan, prospects of Pak-Afghan relations in post-NATO/US forces withdrawal from Afghanistan etc.PILDAT conceptualised and initiated the project of building and deepening parliamentary ties and relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2008. Five joint workshops of Pakistani and Afghan Parliamentarians have been facilitated by PILDAT during 2008, 2009 and 2011. The broad objective behind the initiative has been to facilitate Parliaments of the two countries to develop a relationship based on greater interaction and dialogue with each other on bilateral and regional relations and issues of mutual interest.