Saad Rafique wants NAB disbanded

Saad Rafique wants NAB disbanded


Saad Rafique wants NAB disbande

LAHORE ( Dunya News ) – Federal Minister for Railways Khwaja Saad Rafique said on Tuesday a new accountability institution should replace the National Accountability Bureau ( NAB ).

Speaking to media at the time of his appearance in the accountability court, he said: “The facilitators of Imran Khan have parted from him, and everyone has seen the reality of his long march.”

“No one is with Imran Khan right now and dissolving assemblies is not Imran’s cup of tea,” he added. Giving his recommendation to the PTI chief, he said, “work on those areas where you have government for improving the country’s economy.”

He asked the people of Pakistan to compare the goverments’ performance from 2013 to 2018 and PTI’s four years in office, while mentioning that the country had been saved from default in these eight months in power.

As for governance in Punjab, the PML-N stalwart said “the province is being plundered by the incumbent set-up just as it was treated by Usman Buzdar before”.