Fake statement attributed to Brad Pitt

Dunya News

Posts have popped up on social sites with screenshots from an article with Pitt�s image

(Reuters) - Brad Pitt did not say that elite Hollywood pedophiles control America, contrary to posts made online. The statement stems from a hoax article that’s moved around the web since 2017.

Posts have popped up on social sites with screenshots from an article with Pitt’s image alleging that he has “spoken about his experiences after witnessing the dark side of the entertainment industry first hand.”

A user replied, “This can’t be exposed soon enough! It’s time!!” Another commenter wrote, “I hope to see more celebs stand up for RIGHT!!”

The news source, however, is not reputable. The comments appear in a May 2020 piece published on a WordPress website, The Federal Observer.

The article’s origin appears to be NeonNettle.com, visible archive.is/gMXv3 in a snapshot from a now scrubbed post published on June 26, 2017. The publication has a low factual accuracy rating, according to Media Bias / Fact Check.

Reuters found no credible record or reporting that Pitt ever made such statements.

These claims were previously discredited in 2017 by Snopes and tackled again by Lead Stories in 2020.


False. Brad Pitt did not not make this statement about Hollywood elites.