
Pakistan urges international institutions to investigate Israel's aggression as war crimes

Pakistan condemns Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan on Thursday called on international institutions to take Israel hostility on unarmed civilian population of Gaza as war crimes.

Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Balch said during weekly press briefing that the Israeli aggression in Gaza continues for over a month unabated. The Israeli army is committing atrocities on Palestinian people. Attacks on hospitals are a serious violation of international humanitarian and war laws, she added.

She said Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has strongly condemned the Israeli aggression and brutality and reiterated his full support for Palestine.

She said that the caretaker premier had attended the Nov 11 OIC summit held in this regard. “Pakistan welcomes the declaration of the joint summit of the OIC and the Arab League. Pakistan condemns Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza and calls on the international community to take notice of its aggression,” she added.

Talking about illegal immigrants, the spokesperson said that 58,368 Afghans have left Pakistan after the Taliban came into power. These Afghans have gone to various countries of the world, she continued.

Regarding the TTP (Tehreek Taliban Pakistan), Ms Baloch said no direct action is under consideration. The options of dialogue with Afghanistan is still open, she said and added that “we are constantly in touch with the Afghan interim government.”

Ms Baloch reiterated Islamabad’s desire to have “good relations with all neighbouring countries.”


Talking about payment of pension to 163 retired military and civil officers in foreign currency, she said that the information was provided by the Foreign Office to a petitioner under the Access to Information Act.

“We have not provided the names of the pensioners due to privacy issues,” she maintained.

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