Madonna on Trump victory: 'Women hate women'

Dunya News

Madonna is voicing despair over Donald Trump's election victory and blamed women

NEW YORK (AFP) - Madonna is voicing despair over Donald Trump s election victory and blamed women, saying they had a "tribal inability" to accept a female president.

The election "felt like a combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you, and also a death," the pop icon told Billboard magazine in an interview published Monday.

The pop icon, who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in her bid to become America s first woman president, said an "insanely high" percentage of female voters backed Trump, who has boasted of his ability to sexually assault women with impunity.

"Women hate women. That s what I think it is," Madonna told the music magazine.

"Women s nature is not to support other women. It s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children.

"Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation," Madonna said.

Madonna will be honored by Billboard on Friday as its Woman of the Year at the magazine s annual Women in Music celebration in New York, which will be broadcast three days later on cable network Lifetime.

Women on a whole narrowly sided with Clinton, who won the popular vote in the November 8 election.

But Trump edged her out in battleground states such as Madonna s native Michigan through overwhelming support from working-class white men.

Madonna said she knows Trump and found him to be "a very friendly guy, charismatic in that boastful, macho, alpha-male way."

"People like that exist in the world; I m OK with it. They just can t be heads of state," said Madonna.

"I just can t put him and Barack Obama in the same sentence, same room, same job description."