Trump says Baghdadi's top replacement also killed

Dunya News

Trump did not identify the person or give more detail on how he was killed.

(AFP) – US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday the person likely to be first in line to replace Islamic State s slain leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has also been "terminated."

"Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops. Most likely would have taken the top spot - Now he is also Dead!" Trump tweeted.

Trump did not identify the person or give more detail on how he was killed.

A top Kurdish official said Baghdadi s spokesman and right hand man, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, was killed Sunday in a separate raid in the village of Ain Al-Baydah.

It was unclear if that was the person Trump was referring to in his tweet.

Mazloum Abdi, commander of the Kurdish-led SDF, had said on Twitter that al-Muhajir was targeted in what he described as a "coordinated operation between SDF intelligence and the US army."

That raid was carried out a day after US commandos stormed Baghdadi s hideout in northwestern Syria.

The Islamic State founder detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and three children, as he was being chased into a dead end tunnel, according to the US account.

A Kurdish official on Monday said the SDF provided crucial intelligence from a source who infiltrated Baghdadi s house, bringing out underwear that provided positive DNA identification.


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