Ex-US army officer claims aliens hiding on Earth, Pentagon aware of it

Ex-US army officer claims aliens hiding on Earth, Pentagon aware of it


They are hiding in plain sight on Earth

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(Web Desk) - Former US intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, who has served in the US military in Afghanistan and Kuwait and was part of various anti-terrorism missions, has claimed that the aliens are hiding on the Earth and threatening humanity.

The official has also admitted that his "blood ran cold" when his children said that they saw a green and glowing orb hovering in the air near their family home in Maryland.

The three-dimensional mysterious ball was "translucent and suffused with an eerie green light" and "behaved as if guided by some intelligence", said Elizondo, as reported by The Daily Mail.

He said that he himself on another occasion saw a glowing green object, which was the size of a basketball and had "soft edges that weren’t defined" and was floating slowly from their kitchen to bedroom before suddenly disappearing.

Elizondo further claimed that the United States government is completely aware of the presence of aliens on Earth but has been concealing and covering up all the facts related to it.

The former US intelligence officer made these shocking claims in his new book "Imminent – Inside The Pentagon’s Hunt For UFOs".

His claims are being seen as significant as he is not an amateur UFO sleuth but a former military intelligence officer who once was actually on the hunt for aliens.

The 52-year-old has claimed that he was the former head of the US Defence Department’s shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

He added that he started seeing those green luminous balls after he started working for the AATIP.

Elizondo said that evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials is hiding in plain sight on Earth.

However, he said that the evidence has been kept a secret by Pentagon officials who fear that it will lead to massive panic in the public.

"These craft are not made by humans. Humanity is in fact not the only intelligent life in the universe, and not the alpha species," said Elizondo.

He insisted that these UFO ‘crafts' were operating with "complete impunity all over the world since at least the Second World War," and added that they have the ability "to move in ways that defy our knowledge of physics... within air, water and space."

He said that the UFOs present "at best, a very serious national security issue, and at worst, the possibility of an existential threat to humanity".