Incompetent Punjab government has no concern for public health: Barrister Saif

Says Mayo Hospital has been ruined due to poor governance
PESHAWAR (Dunya News) - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Advisor Barrister Saif has berated the Punjab government for poor health infrastructure, saying incompetent government has ruined and destroyed the oldest hospital, Mayo Hospital Lahore.
In his statement, he highlighted the poor administration of the hospital, the medicines, surgery, ENT, peads, and TB wards had been closed for months.
The hospital was facing shortage of medicine, medical equipment, and diagnosis facilities.
There was no facility of air conditions, patients were compelled to bring fans from homes, he claimed.
Barrister Saif lambasted the incumbent government, “mandate-stolen government is busy in making TikTok day and night.”
Form-47 government has no concern about the public and it has no competency in public service, he added.
The KP information advisor stated that the incumbent government didn’t care about public hospitals as they would go to London as usual for their medical treatments.