PM Shehbaz lauds role of Christian community, armed forces in combating terrorism

PM Shehbaz lauds role of Christian community, armed forces in combating terrorism


PM spoke at the last rites of soldier Haroon William

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RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif appreciated the contributions and sacrifices of the Christian community in Pakistan's growth. He also stated that the Pakistan Army is a unified entity committed to defending the nation.

The PM spoke while the last rites of soldier Haroon William, who sacrificed his life for the country, were held at St. Paul's Church, Rawalpindi.

According to the Public Relations Department of Pakistan Army (ISPR), the ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif, Interior Minister, Information Minister Ata Tarr, and Army Chief General Asim Munir, along with senior civil and military officers, soldiers, civilians, and the relatives of the martyr.

Army Chief General Asim Munir highlighted that the unity and bravery of the martyrs demonstrate the nation's strength, and their sacrifices will always be remembered with gratitude.

ISPR affirmed that Sepoy Haroon William made the ultimate sacrifice defending the country and was laid to rest in Rawalpindi with full military honors.

It is to be noted that five security personnel were martyred when their vehicle hit a landmine in Karam the previous day.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif highlighted the historic sacrifices made for Pakistan's creation, mentioning the migration and sacrifices of millions from India. He reiterated Quaid-e-Azam's vision of equal rights for everyone in Pakistan as stated in his August 11, 1947, speech.

Sharif acknowledged the significant contributions of Christian soldiers and the Christian community in the nation’s development. He praised the bravery of soldiers like Haroon William, who prevented countless children from becoming orphans and mothers from becoming widows and stressed the importance of remembering their sacrifices.

The Prime Minister assured that the Pakistan Army honours and supports the families of its martyrs, and that the sacrifices of Haroon William and his family will always be remembered.