PML-N is pro-people party, says Sanaullah

Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah on Sunday said that the PML-N is a pro-people party.
FAISALABAD (Dunya News) - Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah Khan has said the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is a pro-people party and it has always preferred public welfare agenda.
Addressing a gathering at inaugural ceremony of newly-constructed Karary Railway Phattak (railway crossing) at Jhumra Road on Sunday, he said whenever the country plunged into crises, the PML-N steered it out of the difficult situation and put it on the road to progress and prosperity. He said that in 1990s, national progress was stopped and the country was derailed, but the PML-N government, under the visionary leadership of Mian Nawaz Sharif, overcame the situation and put Pakistan on the development path.
In 1998, India carried out atomic explosions, which pushed the Pakistani nation under severe stress. The global community pressurised Pakistan and prohibited it from conducting atomic explosions. At that time, the American president made five phone calls to the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif and offered him heavy amount of Dollars for not carrying out atomic blasts. However, he refused to succumb to the foreign pressure and carried out six atomic explosions. Due to bold step of Mian Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan became the first Islamic atomic power, which forced its enemies including India to refrain from any adventure against it, he recalled.
However, Rana Sanaullah regretted that later on, under a deep conspiracy, the PML-N government was removed and the country was thrown into a quagmire of load-shedding and uncontrolled terrorism. However, in 2013, people reposed confidence in the PML-N and mandated it to power. Therefore, PM Nawaz Sharif, after establishing his government, took drastic action against load-shedding and terrorism and eliminated both within four years.
The PML-N government put Pakistan back on the road to progress, which was evident from the fact that the growth rate was recorded 6.2 per cent during those years. The country was heading towards development when Nawaz Sharif's government was again removed under a calculated move and an incompetent person was imposed on the nation in 2018.
That person enjoyed power for four years, but failed to do anything worth mentioning for betterment and welfare of the public, the minister said and added that he also failed to launch any development programme in the country rather he utilised the national resources only to implicate his political opponents in false cases. The incompetent person promoted the culture of hatred in the country and now he was facing consequences of his misdeeds, the minister added.
He said that the previous rulers made an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) first and then violated it, which resulted in price spiral in the country. He said that the IMF had forced Pakistan to withdraw subsidy on oil, gas and electricity products although the coalition government was not in favour of it.
He said the PML-N government, during its previous stint, constructed motorways, expressways, hospitals, universities, colleges, etc. The PML-N would resume the pace of national development from 2018 if it was voted to power during the upcoming elections.