Electricity from India costlier than import from Iran
Electricity from India costlier than import from Iran
The electricity to be bought from India will be Rs 5 per unit costlier as compared with Iran.
According to sources, India has offered to provide 500MW of electricity at a cost of Rs 8 per unit equivalent to Pak Rs 14.08 per unit.The import of electricity from India will be Rs 5.08 per unit costlier as compared with buying electricity from Iran.On the other hand, the cost of per unit electricity through hydel projects is Rs 22 while the per unit power production from diesel is Rs 19.26. The electricity generated by furnace oil costs Rs 16 per unit while power generated from gas costs Rs 4.36 per unit and the electricity produced from nuclear plants costs Rs 1.21 per unit. The average cost of per unit production of electricity in Pakistan is Rs 13.50.