Overuse of mangoes can trigger health issues, warn doctors

Overuse of mangoes can trigger health issues, warn doctors

One should keep a balanced intake of sweet fruit to avoid any damage, says physicians

 ISLAMABAD (APP): Doctors and health experts urged people to consume mangoes cautiously in order to avoid medical conditions.

“If mangoes over consumed, can cause bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, ulcers and indigestion,” they warned.

Pakistan is one of the largest producers of mango producing 1.9 million tons of fruit and the fourth-largest exporter with around 5-7% export of mangoes the world over.

Mangoes are one of the most eaten fruit in Pakistan; they are famous for their sweetness and delicious taste and several other qualities of mango also include the capability of enabling a healthy digestive system in the human body.

It contains a bundle of digestive enzymes that help in breaking down larger food molecules into easily dissolvable elements to be easily absorbed by the body.

According to the health physicians despite a lot of mango benefits, people should not eat them in bulk as an excess of nutrients can cause problems in the body due to a misbalance of enzymes. One should keep a balanced intake of sweet fruit to avoid any other damage to the human body.