Federal Budget

Anger in Srinagar spills over against India's Kashmir move

Dunya News

More than 300 regional leaders and activists remain in various forms of detention.

SRINAGAR (Reuters) - Anger continued to mount in occupiued Kashmir as the India-controlled Himalayan region remained under lockdown for an 11th straight day.

India’s crackdown followed a decision to strip the mainly Muslim state of Jammu and Kashmir of the right to set some of its own laws, a move that has prompted sporadic protests in the past week.

Scores of people raised anti-India slogans following prayers in the neighbourhood of Soura, on the outskirts of the region’s largest city, Srinagar.

"Tell Modi to first lift curfew and then we’ll see whether Article 370 remains or not," said carpenter Abdul Rashid Bhat.

Virtually no independent information has emerged from anywhere in the Kashmir Valley except Srinagar over the past week. More than 300 regional leaders and activists remain in various forms of detention.