Asad Qaisar also writes to int'l organizations against human rights violations

Asad Qaisar also writes to int'l organizations against human rights violations


Dr Shireen Mazari had also penned a letter to the UN

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Former National Assembly (NA) Speaker Asad Qaisar on Saturday wrote letters to multiple international organizations highlighting the human rights violations, and illegal arrests and raids against his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) leadership and workers.

Mr Qaisar approached organizations including the European Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords, US House of Representatives, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), High Commissioner, and other forums.

The PTI leader wrote that, as a former Speaker, he was compelled to bring "grave human rights violations" including abduction, assassination attempts, custodial torture, enforced disappearances, inhuman treatment, and murder of eminent journalists and PTI leaders and workers to light adding that the PTI was the most popular political party in the country. “After heavy political-horse-trading in "peculiar" political circumstances, the PTI resigned from the Parliment to get a fresh mandate from people”, he added. Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) caretaker governments, he penned, committed "heinous crimes" by suppressing political dissent by the PTI.

He further penned that cases were fabricated to force former PM Imran Khan out from politics adding that it was shot followed by a coordinated assassination attempt on the life of Mr Khan, wherein he sustained multiple bullet wounds and fractures along with 11 others, and lodged 127 "fake and baseless" cases against him. Mr Khan’s residence at Zaman Park and his family were attacked more than once, he added.

Earlier, PTI leader Dr Shireen Mazari had also penned a letter to the United Nations special representative revealing human rights violations against the party workers.