Sindh govt decides not to use Tiger Force for relief campaign

Dunya News

He said distribution of ration bags in the province is being carried in a transparent manner.

KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh government on Sunday decided not to include “Prime Minister’s Corona Tiger Force” in the relief campaign in the province.

Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Shaikh said that the distribution of ration bags has nothing to do with politics. "No worker of any political party including the PPP will be part of this relief operation," he said.

He said the distribution of ration bags in the province is being carried in a transparent and fair manner.

The provincial minister further said that all committees, NGOs and lady health workers are part of the relief operation.

He said that the workers of any political party cannot be made part of the relief operation, adding that no such instructions have been issued to the deputy commissioners.

Shaikh claimed that they do not need workers of any party as they already have so many workers.

It is pertinent here to mention that Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Youth Affairs Usman Dar said that Corona Relief Tiger Force will be entrusted with duties next week.

Pillion riding of women, children banned

Earlier, with the increasing number of coronavirus cases in the province, any type of pillion riding had been banned in the province, women and children included.

A notification had been issued by the Sindh Home Department stating that pillion riding on motorcycle was banned during lockdown but now women and children are also banned from pillion riding on a motorcycle.

The directive states that all previous exemptions in this regard have been withdrawn and no form of pillion riding is permitted.

According to Sindh Home Department, all the officers and servicemen of Karachi Police will ensure the imposition of the ban and will take appropriate action against the violators.

Earlier in the day, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah had expressed concern regarding the growing number of coronavirus cases in Karachi’s densely populated areas of East and South.

In a video message, Chief Minister Sindh said that yesterday we conducted 2,217 tests and only 138 new cases were reported while one person passed away. The total number of patients has risen to 2355. Moreover, 11 patients returned to their homes today taking the total number of recovered patients to 592.

Chief Minister Sindh said that 477 people of the Tablighi Jamaat have been infected with the virus, while test results of 123 members are yet to come out.

In the video message, he said that he held a meeting with traders today in which the traders requested interest-free and long-term loans from the government. He said that recommendations are being formulated for facilitating the traders.

Syed Murai Ali Shah said that the prices of petroleum products have dropped substantially and the space that Federal government has received should be transferred onto the people. He announced to provide huge cuts in provincial excise taxes to businesses and traders.

Murad Ali Shah appealed to the federal government, saying that by giving interest-free loans to traders, the problems of small businessmen would be solved. Home-delivery service for small businesses was allowed during the meeting with traders.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has set up a committee consisting of provincial ministers Saeed Ghani, Nasir Hussain Shah and Imtiaz Shaikh. The committee will meet with traders and formulate Standard operating procedures within 24 hours.

He said that recommendations would be discussed with the government and then businesses would be allowed to work under the SOPs. The day the cloth stores open, tailor shops and businesses would be opened on the same day. Electronics shops and Air Conditioner shops will also be opened on the same days.