Conspiracy theory video falsely claims the White House is closed forever

Conspiracy theory video falsely claims the White House is closed forever

Conspiracy theory video falsely claims the White House is closed forever

(Reuters) - A Facebook video titled “WHITE HOUSE CLOSED FOREVER AS THE TRUTH COMES OUT” makes various claims linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory (here).

The Jan. 23 video post presents a still photo of the White House superimposed with images of a restricted area sign and audio of a male narrator.

As with other videos previously debunked by Reuters (here), the footage makes various false claims.

The video discusses the arrests and executions of prominent government figures and the mass release of trafficked children from a darkened and un-operational White House. Child trafficking is a common theme in the QAnon conspiracy theory (here).

Reuters found no reports or evidence to support claims that the White House is closed.

The White House remains open and operational as evidenced by activity on The White House Twitter account ( and White House footage of a Jan. 27 press briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki (here) conducted in the White House press briefing room. 

An earthTV Live Cam of the White House can be seen (here) and also provides exterior views of the building.

A Reuters White House correspondent also confirmed the building was open and operational on Jan. 28.


False. There is no evidence to support claims that the White House is closed forever.