A thriller about electing a pope draws crowds at the Rome Film Festival near the Vatican

A thriller about electing a pope draws crowds at the Rome Film Festival near the Vatican


Conclave comes from the Latin “cum clave,” meaning “with a key

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ROME (AP) — With Pope Francis a few weeks away from his 88th birthday, the plotting for his successor is well underway at the Vatican.

How timely, then, that just across town in Rome, “ Conclave ” a thriller filled with back-stabbing, manipulative cardinals, quick to toss morality out of the window as they promote their candidate, is a top draw at the Rome Film Festival.

This might be a little too close to home — literally and figuratively — for Pope Francis.

Austrian-Swiss Director Edward Berger, who directed “All Quiet on the Western Front” (2022), adapted the film from the 2016 novel “Conclave” by Robert Harris. Berger puts an extraordinary Ralph Fiennes in the role of Cardinal Thomas Lawrence, dean of the College of Cardinals responsible for organizing the conclave.
The conclave is the centuries-old tradition in which, on the death of a pope, cardinals gather in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican to participate in rounds of voting until they elect a new pontiff.

Conclave comes from the Latin “cum clave,” meaning “with a key,” to indicate the Cardinals are locked in until they have chosen the new leader for the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics.

The whole process is conducted under the spectacular frescoed ceiling painted by Michelangelo, and his masterpiece “The Last Judgment” depicting the fate of men heading to heaven or hell covers the wall behind the altar. During the entire process, the prelates are cut off from communicating with the outside world and must live in seclusion inside the Vatican.

Conclaves have a reputation as a no-holds-barred competition as cardinals make backroom deals to elect their favorites in secret ballots.

At the end of each round of voting, the ballots are thrown in a specially constructed stove in the Sistine Chapel, with a chemical added that will color the smoke.

The tens of thousands of people gathered in St. Peter’s Square awaiting the result will know whether or not a new pope has been selected by the smoke that appears from the chimney. Black means the cardinals have not yet selected a pope, white means a new pope has been chosen.