
Former PTI MPA Iftikhar Hassan Gillani joins IPP

Former PTI MPA Iftikhar Hassan Gillani joins IPP

Uch Sharif (Dunya News) - Former PTI MPA Makhdoom Syed Iftikhar Hassan Gillani announced joining the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP).

The former PTI leader joined the newly-formed party after meeting the IPP leaders Jahangir Tareen and Aleem Khan in Uch Sharif.

Also read: Three PTI women leaders join IPP


Talking to media, Jahangir Tareen emphasised the importance of all parties participating in the upcoming general elections. He expressed sorrow over the tragic events of May 9 and hoped that such incidents would never occur in the country.


Furthermore, the IPP head mentioned that both he and Aleem Khan had dedicated their struggles to PTI but finally felt discouraged and parted ways the former ruling party. He pointed out that he had been unjustly disqualified in the Panama case, and his disqualification has now come to an end.


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