Don't trifle with daughters or else

Don't trifle with daughters or else


Social media users share hilarious reactions

(Web Desk) – Bizarre incidents never cease to happen – something which can be borne out by a news from India where an eight-year-old girl has thought of putting her “father on sale”.

In order to execute her plan, the young girl puts up a notice of father on sale outside her home. And, lo and behold, she has demanded Rs200,000 in exchange of her father who has ostensibly hurt her sentiment. 

The picture, quoting an Indian media report, is doing the rounds on social platform X and has elicited amusing reactions by people. It shows a chart paper having wording: “Father for sale on 2,00000… Ring bell for more info.”

This prompted her father to inform the public that his eight-year-old daughter had pasted the ad while reacting to a trifling matter. “I think I have been underestimated in the ad,” he quipped.

A good number of people have shared their reactions to the post, mostly in a hilarious way.

One person commented: “The amount (Rs200,000) seems princely… I am sure my daughter will sell me for Rs20.”