Cobra swallows entire snake on road

Cobra swallows entire snake on road


Cape cobras are well known for their deadly venom

NEW YORK (Web Desk) - A ferocious cape cobra is seen eating and swallowing another snake whole in a matter of only a few minutes.

"While on holiday at Addo Elephant National Park, my family and I witnessed something truly remarkable. We were driving towards Hapoordam, looking for elephants, when my wife spotted a strange-looking snake on the road."

Cape cobras are well known for their deadly venom and are considered one of Africa's most dangerous snakes. They are also known for their aggressive behavior and will readily stand their ground and hood up when threatened.

"I reversed the car, and to our amazement, it was a Cape Cobra." Our friend Tristan Lange took some stunning photos of the snake. But it had something in its mouth, and it was eating it!"

Cape cobra venom is potent, and it is responsible for numerous deaths each year. Despite this, cape cobras are fascinating creatures and play an important role in their ecosystem. They feed on a variety of prey, including rodents, birds, and other snakes.

"It had another snake in its mouth, and it was slowly but surely consuming this snake whole. It was incredible to see the manner in which the cobra was swallowing its prey."