YouTube eases monetisation

YouTube eases monetisation


500 subscribers, three uploads in 90 days, 3,000 watch hours required

(Web Desk) - The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is now more accessible for creators who wish to monetise their content.

YouTube has established lower criteria for eligibility now. US-based creators with over 20,000 subscribers in YPP can now join the platform's shopping affiliate program.

As per the new guidelines, the creators must have a minimum of 500 subscribers, three public uploads in the past 90 days, and either 3,000 watch hours in the last year or 3 million shorts views in the last 90 days.

The earlier criteria were more rigid, demanding at least 1,000 subscribers and either 4,000 watch hours in the past year or 10 million shorts views in the last 90 days.

Earlier, world's largest streaming website YouTube had confirmed that like other countries of the world, Pakistani people would also be able to earn money through YouTube shorts from February 2023.

YouTube Shorts is a new version of the streaming website where content creators share short videos like TikTok.

For the last one year the popularity of YouTube shorts has seen an increase and now YouTube has also started the feature of earning money from it.

According to the complete policy issued by YouTube content creators earning money from YouTube shorts will have to accept the rules of the website and this will require content creators under the age of 18 to include their parents in the consent rules.

According to YouTube content creators will be paid to run ads through short videos. Ads will run on YouTube shorts and 45 percent of the earnings from advertising will be provided to content creators. A content creator on one million YouTube shorts views will be able to get up to 900 US dollars but this amount can be more or less.

Most of YouTube s monetisation policies are outdated but the website for YouTube shorts has made it clear that it will not be able to earn on videos that have already been uploaded to YouTube while no earnings will be made on the video that has been made by editing a clip of a movie or song.