French journalist hounded out of India as govt denies work permit

The journalist says he is without means of sustenance
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - A French journalist said on Thursday he had left India after working for 13 years because he was denied work permit to continue his duty.
He described it as an act of “unbelievable censorship”.
Many advocates of press freedom are of the view that unabated attacks on media in world‘s biggest democracy are very alarming as journalists who raise sensitive issues are targeted mostly.
Sebastian Farcis, who worked for Radio France Internationale and other major French media outlets, was forcibly made to leave India following the refusal of granting work permit by the government of India. He said he left India last week, describing the ban as a “complete shock”.
Sebastian further revealed that he was denied work permit after multiple applications without any explanation from the government.
“My family was also pressurised to depart from India without any explanation. It all left us without any money and further work,” he bemoaned.
Sebastian has been married to an Indian lady which granted him the status of an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI).
Prime Minister Modi-led BJP government has earned worldwide notoriety for stifling dissenting voices of journalists. Due to heavy-handed tactics employed on muzzling journalists, India has slipped from 180 to 159 in the World Press Freedom Index.
Previously, an Australian journalist was sent packing by the government without any explanation.