Ishaq Dar to visit China next week for strategic dialogue

Ishaq Dar to visit China next week for strategic dialogue


CPEC and future connectivity initiatives to be the main focus

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ISLAMABAD (Web Desk/APP) – Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar will visit Beijing will visit Beijing from May 13 t0 16 hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi as two sides are mulling over how to expedite China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and future connectivity initiatives while enhancing economic and trade cooperation.

Dar, who is recently appointed as the deputy prime minister, will co-chair fifth China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue during which they will have a comprehensive review of bilateral relations with a special focus on CPEC up-gradation.

Yi is also the of the Communist Party of China’s Director General Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission.

The two leaders will also exchange views on the unfolding regional geopolitical landscape and bilateral cooperation at the multilateral fora, a Foreign Office news release said.

On the sidelines of strategic dialogue, Dar is expected to meet Chinese leaders and leading corporate executives.

It is part of regular high-level exchanges between Pakistan and China. It reflects the importance attached by the two countries to further deepening the “All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership”, reaffirming mutual support on issues of core interest, enhancing economic and trade cooperation including CPEC, and reinforcing joint commitment to regional peace and development.

On Friday, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian at the regular media briefing said, “China is willing to work with the Pakistani side to take this visit as an opportunity to further implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries,” Lin said.

Lin said that the China-Pakistan friendship had become stronger over the years, as both the countries joined hands to cope with changes in the international and regional situation, deepened mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

“The Chinese side was willing to carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan, strengthen strategic communication and coordination, deepen practical cooperation in various fields and create an upgraded version of the construction of CPEC [China-Pakistan Economic Corridor].”

He expressed China’s desire to deepen the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, and accelerate the construction of a closer community of destiny between the countries in the new era.