Rabbani seeks Senate standing committee meeting on Palestine cause

Rabbani seeks Senate standing committee meeting on Palestine cause


Rabbani for calling meeting of standing committee to express solidarity with Palestinian people

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Former Senate chairman Mian Raza Rabbani demanded on Thursday that an emergent meeting of the Senate standing committee should be held to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and discuss illegal siege of Gaza.

More than 1,000 buildings have been hit by the Israeli forces in Gaza where supply of water and electricity is cut off while 2.3 million people are forced to live without food in the areas due to the Israeli aggression, Rabbani said, adding that the government was afraid of calling a senate meeting on Palestine-Israeal issue as question about holding election may be asked in the meeting.

He said the caretaker government did not have any mandate to appoint the NAB chairman as the appointment would go against the section 230c of the Elections Act, 2017.

Rabbani said privitisation of public sector units would have long-term effects which could not be done by any caretaker set-up.

Read more: Raza Rabbani stands firm against added power for caretakers

The privatisation of PIA should not be decision of the federal cabinet and the matter should be taken up by the CCI, he said.