Caretaker PM's name finalised, ongoing talks are just a drama: Sheikh Rashid

Describes the coalition government’s stint as the darkest in Pakistan’s history
RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Sheikh Rashid – the chief of his own faction of Muslim League – said on Saturday the name of the caretaker prime minister had been finalised, describing the ongoing talks as a drama staged for media consumption.
In a statement posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, the former interior minister said the 16-month tenure of the coalition government was the darkest period of Pakistan’s history. The poor had been [economically] murdered and were unable to buy food or pay children’s fees, he said, adding that incidents of looting were common in the cities with a civil war-like situation, the AML head opined.
امید ہےشہباز شریف اور نام نہاد اپوزیشن لیڈر آج نگران وزیراعظم کا اعلان کردیں گےاور بات الیکشن کمیشن تک آگے نہیں بڑھنے دیں گےیہ سب ٹوپی ڈرامہ کر رہے ہیں نام انہوں نے فائنل کیا ہوا ہےایسے ہی اہمیت جتا رہے ہیں اور میڈیا میڈیا کھیل رہے ہیں یہ کمپنی کی مشہوری کے لئےجتنے مرضی دن لگالیں…
— Sheikh Rashid Ahmed (@ShkhRasheed) August 12, 2023
The Supreme Court’s judgement had buried all the hopes of Nawaz Sharif returning to Pakistan, Rashid said and added that elections would have to be held within 90 days and the time had arrived for revenge.
He informed his readers that he would address the nation tonight at 11pm and might also opt for another post on X, if required.
Again listing the current period as darkest in the history of Pakistan, the AML chief said his relatives and servants had gone missing after being picked up; however, the coalition government members would be defeated through the power of vote.
The coalition government had ruined the country and could not face the public, said Rashid, adding that they would understand their political stature on the polling day.