Merged districts, Malakand division exempted from tax: Muqam

Merged districts, Malakand division exempted from tax: Muqam


Amir Muqam said this decision will prove beneficial to flourish the business activities in the area.

PESHAWAR (Dunya News) - Adviser to the Prime Minister Engineer Amir Muqam on Friday hailed the federal government for exempting the merged tribal districts and Malakand division from tax for the next financial year.

In a statement, Engineer Amir Muqam said that, "I thank Allah and then Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar for declaring tax exemption for the merged tribal districts and Malakand division for the next financial year".

On the special request of Adviser to the Prime Minister Engineer Amir Muqam, federal government has exempted the merged tribal districts and Malakand division from tax for the next financial year.

Keeping in view the problems of the people of the merged tribal districts even in difficult circumstances, tax was exempted for one more year.

He further said that this decision will prove beneficial to flourish the business activities in the area and will directly benefit the people including the business community.