Govt should be held responsible for economic, political disaster, tweets Rashid

Rashid said that these days there are no press conferences but pressure conferences
RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said the "incompetent” government should be held responsible for economic and political ruination.
In his message on the social networking site Twitter, the former interior minister said these days there were no press conferences but pressure conferences, a possible reference to Shireen Mazari and Fayyaz Chohan who quit the PTI the other day.
آج کل پریس کانفرنس نہیں پریشرکانفرنس ہورہی ہیں2-3 مہینےسسرال جیل کاٹنے سے قیامت نہیں آجاتی میں نے کلاشن کوف کےجھوٹے مقدمے میں7سال قید کاٹ کاٹی کڑیاں والا قتل اور 2 مرتبہ ختم نبوت میں بھی سسرال گیا ہوں اور اب پھر جانے کو تیار ہوں جب تک گرفتار نہیں ہوتا روزانہ ٹوئٹ جاری رہے گی
— Sheikh Rashid Ahmed (@ShkhRasheed) May 24, 2023
He said spending two or three months in jail does not mean end. Release from prison is like a written statement of quitting politics, he added.
جیل سےرہائی تحریری سیاسی توبہ کی مرہون منت ہےساری قوم9مئی کےواقعہ کی مذمت کرتی ہےاورملزموں سےکوئی ہمدردی نہیں رکھتی لیکن چادراورچاردیواری اورخواتین کااحترام ضروری ہےمیرےخیال میں لیول پلائنگ فیلڈ ہوچکاہےاگرنہیں ہواتو15 جون تک ہوجائےگا اب سیلکشن ختم اورالیکشن ہونےچاہیں
— Sheikh Rashid Ahmed (@ShkhRasheed) May 24, 2023
Sheikh Rashid said rupee had fallen into abyss. It is not clear where it will stop. The economic crisis has been transformed into a political crisis under a conspiracy to present a sham budget.
The former minister lamented that if the judiciary is overwhelmed and helpless, only Allah will save the country.
He said the whole nation condemned the incidents of May 9 and had no sympathy with the perpetrators. But the sanctity of "chaddar aur char deewari" should be held supreme and respect for women was necessary, he continued.
The former interior minister opined that the playing field had been “levelled.” If not, it will be done by June 15. Now the selections should be over and the elections should be held.
He said he was sentenced to seven years in jail in a fabricated case of possessing a Kalashnikov. Later, he remained in prison in a murder and finality of prophethood cases. “Now I am ready to go to prison again. But, until I am arrested, I will continue tweeting daily.”