Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has been proven guilty by American court and all the allegations on Aafia have been proved.The federal district court in New York under the Judge Richard Berman and 11 other members of the jury conducted the hearing on the case for twelve days;where as eight women were members of the jury.The biggest allegation against her was attempting to murder US agents with an army rifle and shot at the US agents while she was detained for questioning in Afghanistan. None of the Americans were injured but Aafia, was shot. Nine witnesses were presented to the jury of whom six were present in the room at the time of shooting. American army Captain Schnieder and Afghan national police officer Bahsir were present during the case.A lawyer fighting her case said that Aafia would appeal for a review of the verdict since the decision was unfair. He also said that there was no allegation on Aafia being linked to any act of terrorism however the jury tried to establish a connection between Aafia and terrorist organization.Aafia reacted violently to the verdict and said that the American system of justice is not fair. She said that the decision has been taken by Israel.Emotions will not help the case, says Dr. AslamSpeaking to Dunya News American journalist Dr Aslam Abdullah said that Dr Aafia's supporter should control their emotions. Emotions will not help the case. Pakistan government will not take any action. The government has sold the country and it is due to the criminal negligence of the government that today Pakistan is confronting so many challenges.Aslam also said that he has expectations from Human right groups. However the human rights groups cannot influence on the decision but can contribute positively towards the review of the case. Support for terrorism by some groups in Pakistan has been a factor that Aafia has been proven guilty.Aslam aslo pointed that No one spoke clearly on Aafia and sketchy details were presented regarding her family and her education.Aslam said the Pakistani government will not do anything to help in the review of the case. He said that he cannot make any comments on how to prove Aafia's innocence since he is not a lawyer or a politician.We will not ask for mercy from Non Muslims, says Fauzia SiddiquiDr Fauzia siddiqui said to the media that We are agreeing with the will of the Allah. Allah wanted to show to the world that American justice system is weak and corrupt. She said that This is the beginning of the end for America.Fauzia said that Government lawyer did not contacted her since the verdict has been announced. She said that We prayed to Allah and thanked him.Answering to a question she said that I would have been satisfied by the government efforts if Aafia would have been here standing next to me since she is not here so I am not satisfied with the government. She also said that we continue our fight. Our morale is high. Dr. Fauzia was refered to several Quran verses.I am thankful to the media, says Aafia's motherAafia mother was smiling. She said that she is very happy and proud on the role of the media, she is also happy that her daughter has been chosen to slap on face of America. She claimed that Today would mark the beginning of American downfall. Aafia's requested all to stay calm and said not to protest on the roads and appealed not to cause any damage to public or private property. Although the world may assume that we would be in a somber mood but I have attained new strength after this decision.She repeatedly said that Write my words that the decline of America starts today. I knew the decision in advance. She also said that If the government would have acted responsibly then we would have not seen this day. Aafia's mother also said that I am thankful to the entire nation. I have trained Aafia that she would never lose hope or faith. Aafia will never bow to the non Muslim demands. She accused Hussain Hakkani of making fake claims on Aafia's return. She said that Allah would take revenge from Shah Mahmood. She also said that We would not ask for mercy from non Muslims.Failure of foreign policy to be blamed, says Talha MahmoodSenator Talha Mahmood said that only foreign policy is to be blamed. He said that I do not think its not a good message from America. Demands of justice have not been full filled. Highest form delegations should be sent to USA and present a strict stance to the US government. He said that US and NATO image would not improve.Talha also said that delegations have been formed in the past as well but there were no results. The case has not been politicized entirely but the main flaw was in handling the case. All witnesses have been favoring Aafia but the decision was pre decided. Trial was just a fake show. The world has witnessed the poor American justice. Hakkani did not take up the issue seriously and I cannot comment as to what he did. Pak has made big sacrifices and no one has given these sacrifices. The nation would not accept this gift of the America.