The World Poverty Alleviation Day is being observed on the international level including Pakistan today with an aim to bring together leaders from all over the world to create change, leverage resources and create new alliances in the fight against poverty. Poverty in Pakistan is a growing concern. Although the middle-class has grown in Pakistan to 35 million, nearly one-quarter of the population is classified poor. Wealth Distribution in Pakistan is highly uneven, with 10% of the population earning 27.6% of income. According to the United Nations Human Development Report, Pakistan's human development indicators, especially those for women, fall significantly below those of countries with comparable levels of per-capita income. Pakistan also has a higher infant mortality rate (88 per 1000) than the South Asian average (83 per 1000). The poverty rate in Pakistan has jumped from 29.3percent to 37.7 percent in three years after severe economic shots hit Pakistan.