Story of man giving girlfriend necklace of his teeth was meant as joke

The author of the story confirmed to Reuters it was fabricated and intended as a joke.
(Reuters) – A story about an Egyptian man who took his teeth out and gave them to his girlfriend in the form of a necklace is fabricated and was intended as a joke, the author told Reuters.
“A young man from Egypt takes out all his teeth and presents them to his girlfriend to express his love for her…,” reads most iterations shared online (see here , here ). Two photographs are circulating alongside this text: the image of a hand holding a necklace with hanging teeth, and a photograph of a guy in a black shirt smiling toothless.
“That rite there is madness. ,,,, time to run,” one user commented on Facebook. “that ain’t love...and those do not look like his teeth,” another one wrote.
The story was originally posted on Oct. 31, 2021 by actor Mostafa Soliman EL Sayed, whose photo was edited to make him appear to have no teeth ( here ). The caption of his Facebook post (originally in Arabic) reads: “Seriously, one of the most beautiful meanings of love I have ever seen is that you take off all your teeth and teeth (sic) and give them to the human you love”
Contacted by Reuters, Soliman confirmed the story was not real and posted as a joke. He said it was just an effort to troll.
Soliman also told outlet Cairo 24 ( ) that his post was intended as a joke for followers ahead of Valentine’s Day, celebrated on Nov. 4 in Egypt ( here ).
Reuters was not able to confirm the source of the necklace image, but it has been making rounds online since at least 2016. According to a Buzzfeed article in Spanish ( here ), the necklace used to be on sale on Etsy.
Satire. The author of the story confirmed to Reuters it was fabricated and intended as a joke.