Anwar Maqsood says no plan to live in Canada permanently

Anwar Maqsood says no plan to live in Canada permanently


Says no affiliations with any political party

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(Web Desk) - Humorist, playwright and television host Anwar Maqsood says he has no plan to live in Canada permanently, dispelling the rumours pertaining to his permanent stay abroad. 

In a statement, he said he is in Canada and planning to return to Pakistan shortly. 

In a recent statement, Maqsood addressed the swirling conjecture surrounding his supposed departure from Pakistan, asserting that his heart and soul remain firmly rooted in the country that holds profound significance in his life. 

"I am on the verge of returning to Pakistan. Contrary to speculations, Canada has not become my permanent abode. Pakistan encompasses everything that holds value for me," Maqsood asserted. 

"I have no affiliations with any political party. I am a Pakistani, devoted to love of my country," Maqsood said, underscoring his genuine affection for the land of his birth. 

Addressing the overseas Pakistanis, he said, "Pakistan stands by you and will forever stand by you. Stay joyous and continue your endeavours with integrity.”