Ayesha Omar, Saba Qamar share prayers for Karachi stampede victims

Ayesha Omar, Saba Qamar share prayers for Karachi stampede victims


The incident occurred due to the negligence of the factory owner and managers.

LAHORE (Web Desk) - Pakistani actress Saba Qamar and Ayesha Omar shared their prayers and wishes for the victims of the Karachi stampede incident.

At least 12 people have tragically lost their lives, and five others have been injured in a stampede that occurred inside a factory in Karachi's SITE area. The incident took place at the Naurus intersection, where people were gathering to collect free food from the factory.

According to the police, the incident occurred due to the negligence of the factory owner and managers. The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have arrested eight suspects, including the factory owner and managers. They are currently being held responsible for their negligence, which caused the tragic incident.

Taking to her Instagram story, actor Ayesha Omar stated, "This is absolutely shattering. Oh God, please help and bless our nation. May their souls rest in peace. Please enlighten us with the correct way to help those in need, without causing more suffering, and please ease the pain of the those who lost their dear ones. Please guide us, our leaders and our government on how to follow, enable, formulate and implement rules to make everyone's lives easier and more secure. Amen."

Actor Saba Qamar also took to Twitter to share how she felt about the unfortunate incident saying, "Heart-wrenching news from Karachi. 11 people lost their lives due to [a] stampede during ration distribution. May God have mercy."