Thousands of dark chocolate building bricks, glued in place with white chocolate mortar, make for China's first 10-metre-long chocolate Great Wall. A 10-metre-long edible replica has been built entirely from solid chocolate bricks and white chocolate mortar in a move to entice China's more than 1 billion population to eat more of the sweet stuff. Staff at the World Chocolate Wonderland put the finishing touches to the chocolate monument in a temperature-controlled showroom in Beijing on Thursday. Up to 80 tons of chocolate were used in making the displays, an organizer said, which include line upon line of 560 terracotta warriors standing to attention on a layer of chocolate flakes. However, staff found that the replicas were proving just as fragile as the original terracotta warriors as they tried not to over-handle, and smudge the slightly sticky statues. The World Chocolate Wonderland, which opens to the public at the end of January, will feature cocoa-copies of Chinese artifacts alongside booths and displays from domestic and foreign chocolate brands including Lindt, Ferraro and Kinder.