The World Dance Day was introduced in 1982 by the UNESCO International Dance Committee.
Music and dance lovers celebrated the World Dance Day on Sunday across the world, including Pakistan, to recognize the art of expressing joy and feelings with movement in a rhythmic way.Performing artistes of various established groups as well as individual performers celebrated the day in Pakistan with the common language of dance.The World Dance Day was introduced in 1982 by the UNESCO International Dance Committee with the aim of bringing all dancers together to celebrate the art form and revel in its universality, to cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and bring people together in peace and friendship with a common language of Dance.Dance is a type of art that generally refers to movement of body in a rhythm of music. It is performed in many different cultures and used as a form of expression and social interaction.Practitioners of this art consider it as a form of nonverbal communication between humans. According to historical references, dance has been animportant part of ceremonies, rituals, celebrations andentertainment since before the birth of the earliest humancivilizations. Images of dancing figures revealed its presence invarious cultures through talking rocks discovered byarchaeologists.In Pakistan, dance is considered as a symbol of festivity in ceremonies, social gatherings, folk festivals and identity for various regions with portrayal of their cultural values, said an official of Pakistan National Council of the Arts.