Electricity consumers to pay Rs4.11 per unit as fuel cost adjustment for November

Electricity consumers to pay Rs4.11 per unit as fuel cost adjustment for November


Amount will be adjusted in January monthly bills

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ISLAMABAD (News Desk/Dunya News) – The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Thursday fixed the fuel cost adjustment (FCA) at Rs4.12 per unit for the month of November [2022], which would be adjusted in the monthly bills of January [2023].

Earlier, the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) lodged a request for a Rs4.66 FCA. However, the Nepra didn’t agree with the calculations and determined the amount at Rs4.12, which had previously set the FCA for the month of October at Rs3.07.

Read more: What is FCA? Central Power Purchasing Agency wants it at Rs3.55 for Oct

The announcement on Thursday came after the Nepra reserved its decision after holding a public hearing on the issue last week.

However, the FCA rate fixed for the month of November won’t be applicable to the K-Electric, which is responsible for power supply to the consumers in Karachi and surrounding areas.

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