Race for the White House: Polls, pasts and likely winner

Race for the White House: Polls, pasts and likely winner


This election will make history regardless of the winner

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By Ali Haider

With the candidates of both parties at a dead heat, the United States elections are going to be held on November 5 – Tuesday.

Many Polls just two weeks prior to the election show that Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris are head to head.

A last little push by any candidate can turn the result in their favour. This is the reason Trump and Harris are making the last ditch efforts to woo the voters.

How the next election will make history, no matter who wins

Whatever the outcome, Americans will make history on November 5: they will either elect the first woman president in the country’s history - or they will put the first convicted felon into the White House.

Who’s poised to win: What the Polls Show?

The contest between Trump and Harris is clearly one of the tightest US election races of modern times.

Well, different surveys point out their results. But as for now, many polls show that Vice President Harris is taking the lead.

For instance, a CBS News survey, which focuses on Younger Americans, highlighted that Vice President Harris has strengthened her position among US citizens between the ages of 18 to 34. When pollsters asked a question about the reason, the respondents said former President Trump has turned 78 and they do not want another leader like President Biden.

In the same way, the Howard University survey has shown that the majority – 84% - of the votes of blacks in seven swing states will go to Vice President Harris.

Another important survey by the Atlanta-Journal Constitution shows Trump leading the race in Georgia, a battleground state. This state went to Joe Biden in 2020 and helped him win the Presidential race.

More surveys, therefore, point out that Kamala Harris is likely to win the highly-contested race.

But, Do Polls Really Matter

According to political experts, surveys only provide a snapshot in time. The numbers are only good at the moment they are measured. Hence, the only poll that counts is the one on Election Day.

What does the Historian who predicted accurate elections say?

Historian Allan Lichtman, who almost correctly called every election in the US, knows who is going to win the US presidential election. “Harris will win,” Lichtman confidently announced.

He gives his predictions not on surveys, but rather on the answers to a set of 13 true-or-false questions, which he calls “keys”, and which in 2016 signaled a Trump victory when the polls said otherwise.

Not only polls, candidates also banking on popular stars and celebrities

Elon Musk, for example, has been on elections the frontline in his support for Donald Trump. He even went on to claim that if the Republican nominee is not elected, it could be the country’s last election and urged voters to stand behind Trump to save America’s democracy.

Musk has donated $70 million to Trump's campaign while saying, “I am all for Trump.”

Also, Donald Trump has recently released a video on social media in which he is flanked by WWE stars Undertaker and Kane.

On the showbiz front, famous Indian Singer AR Rahman has become the first international artist from South Asia and India to support a US presidential campaign.

He endorsed US vice-President Kamala Harris through a 30-minute virtual concert.

Pak – America Committee Endorses Trump

The Pakistani-American Public Affairs Committee (PAKPAC USA) endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for the November 5 US elections.

PAKPAC USA, which promotes Pakistan’s interests in the US Congress, claims it aims to strengthen democracy in Pakistan and does not support or oppose any political party or group.

Also, another important issue that is shaping Pakistani Americans' behaviour is the role of the US in the Gaza War. It has been widely reported that many Pakistanis who previously voted for Biden – Democratic party – are now leaning towards Trump.