Modi regime continuing reign of terror in India-occupied Kashmir since 2019 - report

Modi regime continuing reign of terror in India-occupied Kashmir since 2019 - report


A recent report highlighted crime against humanity committed by the Modi regime in occupied Kashmir

(Web Desk) – Narendra Modi-led Hindu extremist government has turned Kashmir into a big prison and snatched all the political, democratic and human rights since Aug 5, 2019.

A Kashmiri media outlet has exposed the Indian government’s plan to show the world that “all is well” in its occupied Jammu and Kashmir during the recently held G20 summit.

According to a recent report by the media outlet, the Modi regime jailed more than 21,000 people since Aug 5, 2019.

The India occupation forces have since killed more than 800 people, tortured around 2,500, widowed 55 women, orphaned 130 children and gang-raped 129 women, the reported revealed.

The Modi regime gaged print and electronic media, suspended internet services 423 times, confiscated properties of innocent citizens on the false allegation of involvement in terrorism. The occupation forces, including BSF and police, were involved in extrajudicial killings, use of pallet guns against protesters and torture, it added.

Due to excessive use of pallet guns, more than 6,000 people have been injured, of them 782 have lost their eyesight.

Cases against revocation of Indian constitution’s article 370 have still been pending before the supreme court even after four years.

The report mentioned that despite holding a session of G20 summit in Srinagar, the Indian government failed to convince the world that peace has been restored in the valley under its occupation.


Meanwhile, a roundtable discussion on the situation in Occupied Kashmir, organised by the United Peace Alliance (UPA), a coalition of political and social organisations, expressed deep concern over the Modi regime’s nefarious attempts to change the demographic composition of the valley.

The speakers who included lawyers, journalists, representatives of political, social and trade organisations, said the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Modi government is furthering its communal and anti-Muslim agenda in the occupied territory.

They said that hundreds of thousands of Hindus have been issued domicile certificates of IIOJK to get permanently settled in the occupied territory.

The speakers said excessive taxes are being imposed on the Kashmiris to weaken them economically. Moreover, the Indian government is plundering the natural resources of occupied Kashmir, they added.

UPA Chairman Mir Shahid Saleem and other speakers appealed to the Kashmiris to wage a united struggle for the restoration of their democratic, political, economic and human rights.