China opposes Indian decision to include Ladakh in Union Treaty

Dunya News

India has continued to undermine China's territorial sovereignty: Hua Chunying

BEIJING (Dunya News) – China on Tuesday said it has always opposed to India‘s inclusion of the Chinese territory in the western sector of the China-India boundary into its administrative jurisdiction. This firm and consistent position remains unchanged.

China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying‘s responded to the rising tension in the region after India revoked article 370 to end special status of occupied Kashmir and announced Ladakh as Union Territory.

Hua said recently India has continued to undermine China‘s territorial sovereignty by unilaterally changing its domestic law. Such practice is unacceptable and will not come into force.

We urge India to exercise prudence in words and deeds concerning the boundary question, strictly abide by relevant agreements concluded between the two sides and avoid taking any move that may further complicate the boundary question, she said.

She said China is seriously concerned about the current situation in Indian held Jammu Kashmir territory and China‘s position on the Kashmir issue is clear and consistent.

Hua said it is also an international consensus that the Kashmir issue is an issue left from the past between India and Pakistan. The relevant sides need to exercise restraint and act prudently.

She further said in particular, they should refrain from taking actions that will unilaterally change the status quo and escalate tensions. We call on both India and Pakistan to peacefully resolve the relevant disputes through dialogue and consultation and safeguard peace and stability in the region, she added.

India’s Hindu nationalist government on Monday unilaterally wiped out the autonomy of the restive Kashmir region, sending in thousands of army in occupied Kashmir.

Government authorities severed internet connections, mobile phone lines and even land lines, casting Kashmir into an information black hole that made it very difficult to discern what was unfolding.

READ MORE:Six things to know about occupied Kashmir s changed status

For years, India’s Hindu nationalists have wanted to curtail the special freedoms enjoyed by Kashmir, a mountainous, predominantly Muslim territory that has turned into a tinderbox between India and Pakistan, both of which wield nuclear arms.

On Monday, Amit Shah, India’s home minister, announced in a quick speech, which belied years of steady plotting, that the central government was removing the special, somewhat autonomous status that served as the foundation for Kashmir joining India more than 70 years ago.