Woman excluded from Mother's Day meal being a dog mum

Woman excluded from Mother's Day meal being a dog mum


Leila started considering herself a parent after adopting an 11-week-old puppy

LONDON (Web Desk - A woman has been left outraged after being excluded from a Mother's Day meal because her "fur babies" don't qualify as actual children. The self-proclaimed dog mum believes she has every right to join in with the Mother's Day celebrations because she has put her time and energy into raising a puppy from 11-weeks-old.

However, her friends disagree - and tried to explain to her the day is for parents who have "human children". Taking to social media, one of her friends said: "Leila and I are friends with five other women and have been since middle school. Everyone but us has kids, we have fur babies instead.

"Once our group had kids, we tried to do a Mother's Day lunch with all of us. It didn't really go over that well because those without kids couldn’t really participate. Like what do I know about late night feedings and diapers and first steps or going through the adoption process.

"So people without kids were just left out and everyone was OK with that.

"It's been like this for the last 11 years, and now it has turned to their kids and husbands/partners make them brunch together, serve it up, exchange gifts, stories and spend the day together on one big family outing."

She went on to explain how Leila started considering herself a parent after adopting an 11-week-old puppy - even throwing the dog birthday parties.

"She is 100 per cent the 'dog mum'," she added. "Stickers, shirts, will gift you presents from her dog, sign cards from her dog.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that and it's cute.

"She can go overboard, like the birthday party she threw for her pup last month and invited our group and her friends from her doggy day care.

"Some of our friends left because a couple of the kids have dog allergies and she had dogs everywhere and didn't include that information.

"Mother's Day rolls around, she came over and was pretty upset, saying she needed to vent.

"She said she was hurt she was left out of the Mother's Day outing because she's a 'dog mum' and that counts too."

The woman listened to her complaints until she started berating their friends for "wrongly" excluding them because their children have four legs instead of two.

The friend said: "I told her they had a point not inviting us. We could deal with not being invited to one of two celebrations out of the year that's for families.

"She asked if that means I don't think of my cats and dog as family. I told her I do but it's not the same.

"I told her that the outing is for 'real mums' and their kids. Our friends are actually making sacrifices, giving up time, energy, and resources that we don't.

"I gave the example that for her pup, she got her at 11 weeks when she was already born and weaned.

"She had help training her at a doggy academy, free and easy adoption, she has her in doggy day care five days a week and anytime she wants to take off, and a groomer does all the bathing and trimming.

"I told her I'm not trying to take away from the joy being a dog mum brings her, but just trying to highlight how we aren't the same kind of mums."

Not wanting to hear any more, Leila stormed out and went no contact with her entire friendship group.

"The only one who has talked to her, works with her, and says Leila has been making some comments about how she was intentionally left out," she added.

"[She claims] her friends don't take her seriously because she doesn't have a 'crotch goblin'.

"I'm starting to think I may have messed up and should've just been quiet and let her be mad for a bit."

Wanting to know whether she's in the wrong, she has taken to social media to ask users if she should apologise to Leila.

In response, one user said: "I joke a lot that I’m a dog mom because my dog acts like a toddler but in reality it’s not the same as having a kid.

"I can leave my dog at home but couldn’t leave a two-year-old at home. It’s not the same.

"It sounds like she’s pretty self-centered anyways so I wouldn’t take her comments too personally."