Biggest and most beautiful Monastic Library in the world

Biggest and most beautiful Monastic Library in the world


Biggest and most beautiful Monastic Library in the world

(Web Desk) - The world’s largest monastic library, which also happens to be a magnificent work of art, is located in Admont Abbey, a Baroque monastery in Austria.

It is one of the most well-liked tourist destinations in the region of Styria, dating back to the year 1074 when the Benedictine monks of Salzburg chose to create their own abbey in the town of Admont.

Although the entire monastic building is remarkable, there’s no denying that the 70-meter-long library is the abbey’s main draw. This library is among the most magnificent in the world thanks to its extravagant ceiling paintings, wooden sculptures, gold busts, gilded bookcases, and no less than seven fresco-adorned cupolas.

The Admont Abbey Library is a sight to see because of the way the architecture, sculptures, and frescoes blend together to create a visual spectacle. It is widely recognised as one of the greatest works of art from the European Late Baroque period.

The library was designed in 1764 and constructed in the years that followed by Austrian baroque architect Josef Hueber, a supporter of the Enlightenment movement, often known as Illuminism, even though the abbey itself is almost a thousand years old.

Bartolomeo Altomonte, who was nearly 80 years old when he began work on the ceiling frescoes that dominate the Admont Abbey Library, painted the seven of them. The majority of the sculptures in the library were made by Josef Stammel, a monastic sculptor.

The Admont Abbey Library has been existing for hundreds of years, but social media only really helped it become well-known worldwide in the last three. The monks choose to invest heavily in the monastery’s online presence in 2018 while considering how to reach a larger audience.

The monastery’s website was completely redone, but more crucially, social media took over as the primary means of promotion. All they had to do was flaunt having one of the most instagrammable tourist sites in the entire globe. And the monks did exactly that.

Admont Abbey had a respectable 4,500 Facebook fans in 2018, but in the subsequent four years, the monks were able to increase that number to nearly 160,000. The abbey apparently reaches 25 million people per month, up from roughly 10,000 four years ago, and has millions of followers across numerous other social networks.

The library is currently one of the most popular libraries in the world because of its Disney animated film-inspired design and amazing social media promotion.