Furious woman leaves noisy neighbours written transcript of their whole conversation

Furious woman leaves noisy neighbours written transcript of their whole conversation


They can hear all the goings on in their own house.

LONDON (Web Desk) - A woman was forced to send her noisy neighbours a full transcript of their conversation after polite notes asking them to keep it down didn t do the trick.

According to the 31-year-old, she and her husband live above a young couple who will often throw parties at night, and sometimes during the day.

If things get too loud then they can hear all the goings on in their own house, just as though they were standing in the room right next door. Although the woman has tried to ignore the noise, she works from home and has found the parties her neighbours hold during the day to be too disruptive.

A few months ago, she left a note on her neighbours  door reminding them that noise from the flat travels very clearly and so their conversations likely wouldn t  remain private if they continue at that level . Although she admits this might have come across as quite passive-aggressive, she tried not to come across that way in the wording.

Taking to Reddit, the anonymous woman wrote: "I genuinely just wanted to avoid confrontation and let them know that it s really that loud and clear. My husband thought it was a little strange but didn t have any strong opinions. It got much better for a while.

"However, now that the holidays are rolling around, it seems they are constantly partying day and night. We ve knocked on the floors, and I left a similar note to the first under their door, but it seems not to make any difference."

She continued: "The other morning I was up and trying to get my work together and it was like they were talking over my shoulder. So I paused and instead typed up a transcript of their conversation. It was minimal. A few lines and responses about shopping. I went out and put it on their door. It s been silent since.

"My husband commented on the silence and I told him what I did. He reacted very strongly, saying that it was very weird and creepy. I responded that they knew there was no privacy if they were that loud and I was just showing them the case, I didn t write down anything personal, and I make a strong effort not to listen to any gossip. But he thinks if they find out it was me it would cause more drama than it needs to be."

Surprised somewhat by her husband s strong reaction, she s since taken to Reddit to gauge the opinions of others, wondering whether she might have overstepped the mark.

"This was a weird thing to do, but given the ongoing issues, not a crazy thing to do. Can you ask the landlord about options to fix this? I presume that there s nothing they can do for cheap, but it might not hurt to ask."

Another commented: "Yes, it might cause drama, but if they were not aware of *how* clearly you can hear them, they needed that information. You don t want to hear them, so if they know they might be able to keep their conversations to themselves."