Indiana police saved Christmas

Indiana police saved Christmas


Indiana police saved Christmas

(Web Desk) - Indiana police on Saturday saved the holiday by replacing a family’s gifts that were stolen by a heartless “real life Grinch” during a Christmas Eve burglary.

“This is what it means to serve our community,” said the heartwarming Facebook post shared by the South Bend Police Department.

A video of their heroic deed has gone viral, with viewers praising the boys in blue for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Officers responded to a break-in call and discovered that young children’s presents had been stolen, leaving them without anything for Christmas Eve.

South Bend Police Department Patrolman Brian Meador said, “They discovered that the house had been burglarized and that the individual had taken all of the gifts, as well as some food, out of their refrigerator.” They added, “So they really didn’t leave this family with much.”

The officer, who was obviously heartbroken, compared the incident to a “real life Grinch,” describing the scene as follows: “Yep, cleaned them out. Not even the Who-hash or the Roast Beast can compete (was left). It was all gone.”

In a last-ditch effort to save the holiday, the brave cops contacted the South Bend FOP Lodge #36 “Santa’s Elficers” program, which assists families in need during the holidays.

Fortunately, they had leftover items at the station, which the officers brought to the looted house in less than an hour later to replace what had been stolen.

A squad of officers was seen standing by bikes, dolls, and other brand-new presents under the family’s Christmas tree in the living room.

They invited the mother and her three children into the room, and the toddlers burst out laughing and dash over to the gifts.

The touching video ends with the mother generously thanking the officers as the officers wish the family a “merry Christmas.” According to

Storyful, police later stated that officers also brought food to the family.

Social media users praised the officers for their generosity.

A user on Facebook commented, “Incredibly motivating!” Thank you to the South Bend Police Department for making this family happy, and thank you for everything you do! Christmas greetings!” “This is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in a long time. (It’s terrible that they were robbed, especially at Christmas),” wrote another. “Nobody was required to do anything extra, but they did. This is something the world desperately needs more of!”

The SBPD, on the other hand, insisted that they were simply doing their job to serve and protect the community.

“Seeing those little girls’ faces light up when they saw the presents under the tree and began playing with them is why we do what we do,” Officer Meador explained. “That’s the good news, and it’s what keeps us officers going. So I hope it’s a memory they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives.”

Meanwhile, it’s unclear whether the Grinch who stole Christmas was ever apprehended.