Snake uses farting as defense mechanism to confuse attackers

Snake uses farting as defense mechanism to confuse attackers.
(Web Desk) – The western hook-nosed snake scares its enemies away with its unique defense mechanism of farting.
Snakes could be quite versatile and vicious when it comes to confusing the enemy while finding its way out of the danger, like cobras use their venom for defense, while snakes like pythons use their strong musculation to crush the attacker. There are sakes with the ability to hide themselves in their natural habitant like on trees and underneath the sand.
The western hook-nosed snake uses a unique attribute of farting and confusing the attacker to protect itself. The creature when in a situation of alert produces rumbling air bubbles the cloaca, which is the common opening at the snake’s rare end while the process is also referred to as the cloacal popping or defensive flatulence.
An experimental morphologist at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania explained that while the cloacal popping the snake could also move up to 6’6 ft above the ground. He also added that the mechanism is repetitive and it’s about two tenths of a second long. A pitching sound is produced that could be quite confusing to other animals.