We have smartphones today. Will we have smart rings tomorrow?

We have smartphones today. Will we have smart rings tomorrow?


Apple working on innovative smart ring

(Web Desk) - In the past, we all had a dream of owning portable computers that could conveniently fit in our pockets.

Now, we are fortunate to enjoy the incredible advancements of smartphones. Following this trend, we also witnessed the rise of smartwatches, driven by our desire to have screens on our wristwatches.

However, an intriguing question remains: When will we finally witness the emergence of genuine smart rings? I'm not talking about simple rings that detect calls or measure body temperature, but true innovative devices. 

Apple's recent introduction of the Vision Pro, which made a significant impact in the XR industry, gives us hope for further advancements in the realm of smart rings. And it seems that Apple is already ahead of the game with yet another smart ring patent. 

To fully appreciate this development, let's take a brief look at the history of Apple's smart ring patents.

Back in 2015, there were talks of a ring that featured voice control and even a built-in camera. Moving forward to 2019, we saw a ring design that resembled more of a compact smartwatch rather than a standalone accessory. Then, in 2023, a new concept emerged – a ring that could provide tactile feedback through haptics and enable advanced gesture controls.

Now, let's consider Apple's well-known ecosystem of products.

With the increasing popularity of Apple TV and the imminent release of the Vision Pro - a ring that seamlessly integrates with Apple's product range - it seems like a natural progression, wouldn't you agree?

So, let's explore some potential functionalities of this smart ring.

Imagine being able to configure distinct vibration patterns to identify the source of a notification. Additionally, the ring could include a pressure-sensitive area that can be pressed to initiate predefined actions. For example, during driving when reaching for your phone isn't feasible, this feature could come in handy. 

Another possibility is that pressing the ring triggers your Apple Watch's microphone, relaying messages to your iPhone 14. These are just a few glimpses into the exciting possibilities of a smart ring.

However, it's important to note that the existence of a smart ring from Apple is not yet confirmed. Patents often serve as reservations of ideas rather than binding commitments. Nonetheless, the concept of a smart ring has been under consideration since 2015, which hints at the ongoing exploration and potential realization of this innovation.