Pakistan tops list of increase in research output for the year 2018

Dunya News

Pakistan tops the list of largest percentage increase in research output in 2018

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan tops the list of largest percentage increase in research output, besides other emerging economies of the world, according to the estimates from the publishing-services company Clarivate Analytics, as reported by the Nature Magazine.

The statistics have shown a significant rise of 21% as compared to 2017 in the numbers of scientific papers published in Pakistan, followed by Egypt where an increase of 15.9% has been recorded.

Global production of scientific papers hit an all-time high this year, estimates show, with emerging economies rising fastest.

China’s publications rose by about 15%, and India, Brazil, Mexico and Iran all saw their output grow by more than 8% compared with 2017.

Globally, research output rose by around 5% in 2018, to an estimated 1,620,731 papers listed in a vast science-citation database Web of Science, the highest ever.

Clarivate owns Web of Science from which the data was drawn. Its analysis for focused on 40 countries that have at least 10,000 papers in Web of Science.