Why fear of rain: Unpreparedness makes it a rainy day

Change course of action to deal with the issue
Know the vitality of rain from those who don't receive rains for months or even for years
Don't ask God to stop rain, but ask Him to shift it to the areas in need of it
Why we don't bother to build reservoirs, dams to stop floods and store water for use during dry spell
LAHORE (Dunya News) - Rain is a blessing unless human lack of preparedness turns it a curse. I don’t think flash floods, accumulation of rainwater in low-lying areas, power disruption, electrocution and roof collapse incidents, etc. are solely the outcome of rain.
If it is so cruel, why it is called a blessing. Why it is said when there is so much rain, don’t ask God to stop it, but ask Him to shift it to the areas in need of it.
Know the vitality of rain from those who don’t receive rains for months or even for years.
Water scarcity changes their lifestyle, affects their health, kills their livestock, reduces their foods, and ultimately forces them to migrate from their birthplace to the areas where they could get a few drops of water for their survival.
Water is the most precious thing for the people of rainfed areas. They rely on rainwater for drinking, cultivation, animals and other needs.
They pray and do whatever practice they deem effective to bring rain to their barren lands and areas, and when their supplications answered and there comes rain, a wild celebrations set off, the heavier it is, the greater party throwing is, in sheer contrast to our reaction to the rain slightly above the normal, - “Ho! What it did. It flooded everything. How I could reach my workplace.
“Sir, I will get late. No transport there, sir. No light, no breakfast. My bike broke down. I am stranded in knee-deep rainwater. Where the bloody Wasa men are.”
Floods are common in our country, particularly in Balochistan. Why are these usual happing? Because we don’t want to make arrangements to overcome flood problem.
After every two years we bear loss of life, property, livestock, crops, infrastructure as a result of floods, but don’t come up with measures to avert this destruction.
Is it fault of rains, or us? Unfortunately, we have made this natural calamity a source of foreign aid. Our leaders knock at doors of world community for funds, charity and aids for rehabilitation, but don’t bother to build reservoirs and dams to stop floods and store water for use during dry spell.
So, no need to fear rains, but to change course of action to deal with the issue.
With rain, every road and street, especially of low-lying areas goes underwater.
People seem wading through rainwater to reach their destination. Nullahs and drains are filled with water.
Who is responsible for the chaotic situation? At least, rain is not responsible for this. Humans are themselves responsible for this. Why they don’t clean nullas and drains before the start of monsoon.
Electricity system is always in shambles in rainy season. If there is even a light rain, power goes out, with all feeders cease working.
Who is responsible for this frail and faulty power system? Obviously, the authorities concerned, who charge consumers at their will with no vibrant service.
What they do keep their system in order before the start of monsoon. Why they don’t keep the system update ahead of rainy season.
Climate experts see human hand in disturbing weather patterns. They too expect human action to stop further climate degradation.
Human efforts can check damages of natural calamity. Earthquakes hit Japan before they did not build quake-proof buildings. Now, destruction as a result of tremors has become the part of history.
Similarly, we too need to build such infrastructure that may ensure minimum damages as a result of excessive rains.