Major revelations in investigation of threatening letters shared with judges

Major revelations in investigation of threatening letters shared with judges


Letters were written by the same person

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ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The investigation into the series of suspicious letters sent to judges of the Supreme Court (SC), Islamabad High Court (IHC), and Lahore High Court (LHC) has taken a significant leap forward. 

Forensic analysis of the handwriting on the letters has uncovered startling revelations. 

The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) has received the forensic report, indicating that the handwriting on various letters sent to judges across the courts belongs to the same individual. 

Sources close to the investigation have disclosed that the letters bearing the names Resham, Reshma, and Gulshad were all authored by this single person, pointing to a unified threat.

Read more: CTD gets forensic report as another LHC judge targeted with obnoxious letter 

CTD officials have further revealed that evidence suggested a singular mastermind behind the letters, targeting judges and interfering with judicial proceedings. 

The toxic arsenic powder found in the letters was traced back to purchases made by the same individual. 

Related news: PM Shehbaz promises probe into letters threatening judges

In a promising development, the CTD authorities have stated that they are on the verge of identifying the source from which the arsenic powder was procured, indicating closure on that front.

The investigation is now delving into CCTV footage from post boxes, with the assistance of the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) data. This collaborative effort aims to identify potential culprits captured on camera. 

Also Read: CTD registers case over suspicious letters sent to IHC judges