FO says operation against illegal immigrants not targeted against particular nationality

FO says operation against illegal immigrants not targeted against particular nationality


The FO spokesperson says Pakistan's national policy on Afghan refugees remains unchanged

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Pakistan on Thursday categorically rejected the impression that an ongoing operation against illegal immigrants was targeted against any particular nationality.

Replying to questions at her weekly news briefing in Islamabad today, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said the ongoing action envisages repatriation of individuals who have either overstayed their visas or do not have the valid documents to stay.

She said Pakistan is all within parameters of its sovereign domestic laws to take action in this context.

She clarified this operation has nothing to do with 1.4 million Afghan refugees that Pakistan has been hosting since decades with exemplary generosity and hospitality despite its own constrained economic situation.

The spokesperson said Pakistan's national policy on Afghan refugees remains unchanged and their safe and honorable repatriation is a separate matter on which it continues to engage with Afghanistan to create conducive environment for their safe return.

Refuting media reports that Pakistan has closed transit trade with Afghanistan, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said Pak-Afghan bilateral trade continues but Pakistan will not accept the misuse of existing trade facilities. She said any measures taken recently or in future will be in accordance with this understanding.

To a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan has very clearly articulated its concerns over the use of Afghan soil for terrorism. He said Islamabad while believing in diplomacy and dialogue continues engagement with Kabul to fight the threat.

To another question, the Spokesperson said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received the formal communication from the Election Commission to invite international observers for the upcoming general elections. She said we will facilitate the process and invite international observers in accordance with the policy and past practice.

The Foreign office spokesperson said free trade agreement between Pakistan and the Gulf Cooperation Council has been concluded and this is the first such agreement by the Council with any country since 2009.

She said Pakistan looks forward to early ratification and implementation of the agreement, which will enhance Pakistan's exports to gulf countries and mark a new chapter in its economic relations with the GCC.