Mushaal vows to keep fighting for Kashmiris of occupied Valley

Mushaal vows to keep fighting for Kashmiris of occupied Valley


Mushaal vows to keep fighting for Kashmiris of occupied Valley

ISLAMABAD (APP) - Secial Assistant to Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment Mushaal Hussein Mullick Thursday vowed to continue raising the issues of oppressed people in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir at all international forums.

Addressing ‘Pehchan Pakistan’ conference here at a private university, Mullick said the Kashmiris were struggling for the past seven decades for their inalienable right to self-determination as promised by the United Nations.

She said India had miserably failed to suppress the voice of Kashmiris for freedom despite deployment of more than a million troops in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

She said nobody was safe in the occupied valley as women and children were being disgraced, and freedom lover youth and other people were being severely tortured.

The special assistant said fake and expired medicines were being supplied to continue genocide of the Kashmiri people.

She said there was no political, religious and social liberty in the occupied valley and massive human rights violations by the occupation forces were a routine matter.

Mushaal Mullick urged the people in Pakistan and the Pakistani diaspora to support the Kashmiri people in attaining their right to self-determination under the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions.