Lt Gen (r) Tariq refuses to head commission formed to probe foreign conspiracy

Lt Gen (r) Tariq refuses to head commission formed to probe foreign conspiracy


Lt Gen (r) Tariq apologizes from heading commission formed to probe foreign conspiracy

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Lieutenant General (r) Tariq Khan has apologized to head of the commission of inquiry against foreign conspiracy to oust Imran Khan government.  

According to sources, Lt Gen (r) Tariq Khan has apologized for heading the commission for personal reasons.

Earlier, Federal Minister for Law Fawad Chaudhry had said on Friday that a commission has been formed to probe into the lettergate issue.

Talking to media in Islamabad after federal cabinet meeting on Friday, he said that the commission will be headed by Lieutenant General (r) Tariq Khan.

Fawad Ch said that the commission will investigate where the conspiracy was hatched and who were the local handlers of the conspiracy to topple Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government.

He further said that evidence of no-confidence will be laid before the members of the assembly and if the people do not protect their freedom then Pakistan will go back to slavery. He said an imported, selected government will be imposed on us and we will be subjugated, adding that this no-trust motion is brought under international conspiracy, whether there is a threat of regime change or not, will be investigated.

He said Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif had contended that there was no such “threat letter” of regime change. Therefore, it was included in the commission’s ToRs that it would determine whether this “letter” and the threat of regime change in it existed or not.

It would also dig out as to who supported the regime change plot locally, he added.

Fawad, who is also the Law Minister, alleged that some specific members of the opposition knew everything about the plot. Not the entire members of the opposition were involved in this conspiracy, he added.

He said the commission should also investigate the meetings of foreign officials with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) dissident Members of the National Assembly ahead of the no-trust motion.

The commission, he said, had been given 90 days for concluding the investigation over the “regime change plot”.

The content of the “threat letter” clearly indicated that the no-trust move was not ordinary, rather brought on the whims of foreign powers, he said, asserting that some “big mafias” were behind the no-confidence motion.

The minister while commenting on the Supreme Court’s verdict said that the apex court’s ruling has jeopardized the supremacy of Parliament. The Cabinet expressed confidence in Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Chaudhry went on to say that the Supreme Court does not have the documents, then how did it come to know that the Speaker misused his mind, adding that Imran Khan is the Prime Minister and will remain, we are not going anywhere.